Thursday, November 19, 2009

This troll seems to be our day excursion mascot.

I like this photo but I'm not sure why.

Some of us enjoying the hot spring at Grettislaug. It was so hot! Oliver, Olivia, Lindsey, and Elizabeth actually jumped in the ocean and then back into the hot pot. Crazies.

Olivia took us to this cliff. Look closely and you'll see a waterfall. This was one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

A seal popped up to say hello! I think it was a good omen.

Another drive by shooting :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fleur Ball performs at the famous Skagaströnd Kántrýbær. A fantastic fun filled evening.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Northern lights!

We were walking back from the studio after the pot luck and to our surprise the Aurora Borealis decided to pop out and say hello. I didn't have a tripod so these photos are the best I could do while kneeling on the side walk trying to balance my camera and not be blown over by the wind.

Frosty grass.

This morning everything was blanketed in frost.


Where the magic happens.

I don't think it needs to be said that this room smelled really bad.

Atlantic Leather

We made a day trip to Sauðárkrókur yesterday and the lovely people at Atlantic Leather agreed to give us a tour of the factory. At first I was slightly horrified because of all the sheep skins and fish skins laying around but the factory itself is really interesting. Apparently fish skin is used to make high fashion shoes and purses. And the industry is very important to the Icelandic economy. It's funny to see nasty fish skins that will end up as shoes in posh boutiques.

These horses were stuck on an island after the tide came in. Oliver and Diane went to look and said that eventually the horses just had to swim back. It's a good thing there were no waves.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The view from outside the studio.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nothing like a drive by shooting. This was the least blurry image of the mountain's reflection in the water.

It was a gorgeous day for us to make the drive back to Skag from Akureyri. This mountain was so stunning.

Donuts in the bakery in Saudarkrokur. Olivia says they are also known as Police Rings haha.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Skagaströnd is so visually interesting! Today was not so cold so I walked the perimeter of the town. The houses blend into the landscape nicely but they are painted beautiful bright colors so they pop out of the side of the mountain. Some of the yards have miniature houses in them that we think are for the "little people" that most Icelanders believe coexist with humans. The houses I like best are the ones that are low to the ground, little bungalow style homes with flat roofs. These homes are mysterious and intriguing to me because in such a quiet place all the action seems to happen behind closed doors. Hopefully soon I will be invited in.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The "Postman" from New York, but with fabulous Icelandic facial hair.

Special Delivery!

It's been an exciting day at Nes. We were all hard at work when we noticed some strange men with red caps outside the studio carrying a large poster board. We let them in to find that they were delivering a giant postcard to Oliver. At first I was confused and thought this was a normal Icelandic thing to do but as it turns out the three men were artists! One from New york and the other two from Copenhagen. They have been driving around Iceland in a truck delivering giant postcards to people in different towns. The postcards are parodies of real Icelandic tourist spots, some are even a bit raunchy. And the messages on the back although some are written in Icelandic, were pretty funny. The last person they delivered to was a man called "Shrimp Dick." Or at least that is the name they were told to look for. When they found out where he was they realized he was a school teacher. Haha. We chatted with the "postmen" for a bit and then they drove off to make another delivery. What a funny place this is.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The paper snowflake on the kitchen window.

They walk their cats in Iceland

On my way back from the grocery store I came across a man walking his cat. This made me very excited! I asked him if I could take a photo and he replied "Rraa." Which I assumed meant yes! Then I proceeded to tell him that I have a cat that I walk on a leash just like a dog too, to which he replied "Rraa." He seemed to understand me but he did not want to converse, so I petted the cat, said thanks and went on my merry way. When I saw Olivia back at the studio I told her about my encounter with the man and how people at home think I am crazy for walking my cat. She then told me that people think he's crazy too. Ha! oh well. Me and the cat man...kindred spirits.