On my way back from the grocery store I came across a man walking his cat. This made me very excited! I asked him if I could take a photo and he replied "Rraa." Which I assumed meant yes! Then I proceeded to tell him that I have a cat that I walk on a leash just like a dog too, to which he replied "Rraa." He seemed to understand me but he did not want to converse, so I petted the cat, said thanks and went on my merry way. When I saw Olivia back at the studio I told her about my encounter with the man and how people at home think I am crazy for walking my cat. She then told me that people think he's crazy too. Ha! oh well. Me and the cat man...kindred spirits.
Rraa, I like the cat man. I used to walk our cats too, but not on leashes. They'd just follow me down the street and we'd go off on adventures.